Nota enviada per: Lluis Gómez

Qui ho diu que a Catalunya no podem jugar la lliga dels grans en música americana? Més concretament, si parlem de Bluegrass contemporani, Barcelona es mereix sortir a la llista de ciutats gràcies a persones i bandes com les que us expliquem a continuació.

Nous projectes musicals de cara el 2014 del trio format per en Lluis Gómez, l'Oriol Gonzàlez i la Maribel Rivero. Són els Grazztrio i el proper 1 de febrer posaran a la venda el seu nou CD, "Three sheets to the wind". Han comptat amb la col·laboració de la violinista/cantant Holly Odell (que farà gira per França i Espanya els mesos de gener i febrer)

Podeu llegir la ressenya que s'ha publicat a la revista "Bluegrass Today" entrant a la seva pàgina web.

Per altra banda, en Matt Flinner, mandolinista reconegut, ha dit això del CD:

"Europe has been a good home to bluegrass music for several decades now, with great musicians and bands emerging in the UK, the Czech Republic and Italy, among others. We now have a bright new light coming from Spain with the instrumental trio Grazz. Grazz has the energy and creative spark that is often reminiscent of Tony Trischka's Skyline group at its best: complex lines and interplay often driven by the energetic, edgy banjo of Lluis Gomez. But what makes Grazz most unique is the fact that they're playing their own tunes on the improbable combination of banjo, mandolin and bass. What should be a limiting trio format seems freeing to these folks, as they push the possibilities and change up the textures to keep things fresh and unique. "Caraman" is a great example of the array of sounds here; changing textures is the name of the game as the lead role is passed around from bass to banjo and mandolin then back to bass and mandolin before Gomez drives the tune into a new tempo. On "No Se," the occasional bowed bass of Maribel Rivero doubles the mandolin melody before trading off with some complex banjo lines. And then there's the simply beautiful "Alta Mar," showcasing the range of expressiveness in Oriol Gonzalez's mandolin. If you wonder what innovations will come out of bluegrass over the next few decades, turn to groups like Grazz---they've got the creative spark and desire to push the envelope, and with this CD they've certainly proven they're worth keeping an eye on in the future."

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